There will be an online Ash Wednesday service on 5th March at 7pm. The link will be available nearer the time.
This year we aren't having an Easter Offering service, as the MWiB disbanded last year, after working very hard for many, many, years, so it has been decided that this year, rather than raising money using the Easter Offering envelopes, we are going to try and give the Circuit Fundraising Project a really good push. Last year the Easter Offering envelopes raised £1,900 which is amazing... it's also the same amount that we need, to bring the total that's required to support the Ajumako Osedzi Community Health Centre in Ghana.
So far, we have raised £2,100 which is brilliant, and a big thank you to everyone who has worked hard to achieve this amount so far.
For the women having babies in this small village in Ghana this gift from us could literally save mum and baby's life.
"Globally, over a quarter of a million women a year die during pregnancy or childbirth. Sub-Saharan Africa accounts for about 70% of these deaths. In Ghana, the rate of maternal deaths is 263 per 100,000 births."
Dawley Christian Centre
High Street, Dawley
Mon – Fri, 1:00pm to 5:00pm